Do more without hating the process

Hack your time (DUTCH ONLY)

Discover through science, but also through my own obstacles and victories how you can develop a business where you get more done and where you experience more peace.


Eliminate distractions

Distractions cause us to get less work done. I share many hacks how to set up your business to eliminate distractions once and for all.

How to say no

Many things are fun. I teach you to identify things you need to say NO to and tell you how to do it. Because NO is actually saying YES to your focus.

Getting things done

The book is packed with hacks to optimize your business so you can soon make more money in less time. But also how to have more time to spare.

read what others are saying about my book

Some reviews.

Renske Berckmoes

Renske Berckmoes

Text editor

Jan, 22, 2024

“Another book about productivity?” is what I thought at first. Boy, was I wrong! Because Marc focuses his book specifically on entrepreneurs, what he writes is not only very recognizable, but also very valuable and directly applicable. While reading it, I was already able to immediately implement valuable tips into my own business to increase my productivity and thus hack my time 😉

The mix of scientific research, practical tips and my own (and other people’s) experiences makes it a unique story that is a pleasant read – even if you don’t really want to binge-read this book in one sitting. To every entrepreneur reading this: hack your business with ‘Hack Your Time’!”

Joey Hiemstra

Joey Hiemstra

Full-stack Developer

Dec. 21 2023

“A book full of guidelines and tips on how to improve your productivity. It reads well because it is a personal story combined with my own experiences and insights. By now I have already successfully applied several tips. Highly recommended!”

Edwin Dijkstra

Edwin Dijkstra


Dec. 12, 2023

“Do you want to get more done? To get more out of your day? To make more money, or just to gain more free time? Hack Your Time contains the knowledge you need.”

Victor Huiting

Victor Huiting

LinkedIn specialist

Jan, 23, 2024

For me a very useful book. And enjoyable to read, have taken notes too. Good to pick up from time to time and especially to apply. The first steps have been taken.

Hola, I'm marc

Pleasure to meet you

Six years ago, I became a marketing freelancer. A scary step outside the comfort zone. I come from a family with no entrepreneurs at all. So it was also discouraged by my entire family. Nevertheless, I did it. And it was my best choice ever. Many suggestions have crossed my mind while being an entrepreneur. Consider: Naivety, Saying 'yes' to everything, zero focus, Always wanting to be available I overcame these struggles and share them in the book "Hack Your Time" (Hack je Tijd in Dutch). Also discover how to become a more productive entrepreneur, without hating the process, by ordering (and reading!) my book.

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