Cold showering to kickstart your day

Energy Boost

First and foremost, a cold shower ensures you immediately get an energy boost. Your body is put to work because a cold shower gives your body a considerable number of stimuli that then set your nerves to work!


In addition, a cold shower leads to the release of endorphins. Endorphin is the substance that is produced during orgasms, exertion, pain, and spicy food. They are not only painkillers but also happiness boosters. Research also shows that cold showers can be more effective against depression than antidepressants!

Good for Your Skin

Cold showers are good for your skin (and hair). Whereas warm water primarily dries out your skin, it’s the cold water that actually applies a protective layer on your body.

Stress Preventer

Cold water acts as a kind of stress factor for your body. Your body naturally has to quickly get to work to repair the cold impact on your body. But did you know that your body becomes accustomed to stress sooner when it encounters a lot of stress throughout the day? So, if you start the day with a ‘stress factor’ for your body, it gets used to it, and you become better resistant to stress.

You Feel Like the Man (or Woman)

Your day starts with a victory. That, for me, is still the nicest thing about a cold shower. As soon as you’re done, you feel good. You’ve conquered that cold shower again. A wonderful feeling. You start the day right and with a victory. That must surely do a lot of good for whatever else the day has in store!

So… are you going to try it? 😉

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