Productivity and Binaural Beats

What are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are sound tracks that send two slightly different tones. One, for example, is 150 hertz, the other 140 hertz. The difference between these two tones will then be produced by your brain (here, 10 hertz) and that, in turn, affects your productivity.

What are the Benefits of Binaural Beats?

Binaural Beats are claimed to induce the same mental state as meditation, but much quicker. In addition, the beats also contribute to (sources in the last paragraph):

1. Less stress
2. More creativity
3. More relaxation
4. Positive mood
5. Focus and concentration

Especially the last two I personally notice strongly. It feels like you quickly get into the flow. Something that’s important to get a lot done. I am someone who is easily distracted. What I have experienced is that the “hum” sound ensures that you are not distracted, that you do not think about that catchy song you heard yesterday, or that you get lost in your own thoughts. It’s a strange sensation but it really works for me.

The Different States of Binaural Beats

To make things a bit more complicated, there are four different states into which you can send your brain thanks to Binaural Beats. Namely:

  • Delta Frequency (1 – 4 Hertz difference between the two tones). These are associated with relaxation and deep sleep. Many people play these when they want to go to sleep. It is said that you continue to learn during your sleep and better process the events of the day.
  • Theta Frequency (4 – 8 Hertz difference). These are linked to REM sleep, fostering creativity, relaxation, and less anxiety. This is the type I listen to when I need to come up with a creative campaign, for example.
  • Alpha Frequency (8 – 13 Hertz difference). They ensure positivity, less anxiety, and relaxation.
  • Beta Frequency (14 – 30 Hertz difference). More concentration, alertness, improved memory. This is the type of frequency I often play in the morning.

Some of My Favorite Videos

My most listened-to ‘video’ is this one:

It is a video with sound at the Beta Frequency. So more alertness, concentration, and memory. These are also very nice: &

Alternatives to Binaural Beats

I can imagine that Binaural Beats might start to annoy you after a morning. What also helps me is listening to coffee shop sounds (nice playlist:

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