Applying Cialdini’s techniques of influence

Robert Cialdini in his book talks about six influencing techniques that can be used to convince potential customers to make the move to becoming an actual customer. You should reflect at least two of these in your ad copy to convince people to click on your ad. But note that you have to be able to deliver. False promises are conversion killer #1.

The first point Cialdini mentions is scarcity. This means that the reader has to get through that it is something temporary and there is not too much of it. You’ve probably seen it at There are 2 more rooms available. It gives you a kind of time pressure to make the move quickly. And if there are so few rooms left, it must be good, right?

You can apply this in your ad copy by placing the following phrases, for example:

  • Only 2 Spots Available
  • Almost Fully Booked
  • Last Time This Year

Make people feel like they should give something back. Give them something for free, people who are in debt will want to repay their debt no matter what. This is something that is ingrained in humans. Think of an ebook, quick scan, free consultation or the like. Apply this in your ad copy roughly as follows:

  • Get The Free Ebook
  • Book a Free Consultation

Commitment & Consistency
People like to be consistent in their actions and not suddenly deviate from something they did in a certain way in the past. According to Cialdini, this is pre-programmed in people.

A nice example of this is a study Cialdini did with a sign in the garden in California. He asked permission in two streets to place a large billboard in the garden of the resident in question. On the first street, 83% said “No.” On the second street, only “27%.” The difference? In the second street, he first came with the request to place a mini sign. They gave commitment. Two weeks later they also did not say no to the request to place the large sign, because they had said yes to such a request in the past!

In your ad copy perhaps a little less appropriate, but it could be so:

  • Sign The Online Petition
  • Sign Up For The Newsletter

Social Proof
You’ve seen this one many times. “There are 5 others looking at this offer”, “John just ordered X”. If many people are doing something, chances are you’re going to do it too.

You can apply this in your ad copy in the following ways, for example:

  • 30 Went Before You
  • Already 500 registered candidates
  • Rated 4.5/5 by 949 customers

People love authority. Also one of Robert Cialdini’s influence principles. Have you won an award, written a book or been on TV, people look at you differently. Then you have authority. They are more likely to buy something from you with the motto “it must be good or you won’t win this, you won’t be on TV or you don’t have a successful book.” So mention your seal of approval. Or are you number one in something? Mention it!

In your ad copy it can be as follows:

  • Known From TV
  • Appearing on SBS6
  • Author of Six Books

When people can identify with you, sympathy is created. People are inclined to buy something when it is recommended by a friend, or when the provider has experienced something similar to what you have experienced in the past, for example. Always apply this in everything you do. It works tremendously well!

In your ad copy, it could be as follows:

  • Former Marine tells you about the best tips for surviving 60 days in the jungle!

Or in a car ad:

  • Edgar, Audi freak, shows you how the new RS6 drives!

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